I cannot believe we're in 2024 already, where did 2023 even go? I feel like some parts went slow then the next thing it was Christmas and here we are.
Every year I like to set goals for the whole year, whether or not I complete them all isn't a big deal, it's just nice to focus on some exciting things and see what direction I want to take things. So, let's begin...
1. Write and publish my book
This has been an ongoing thing for years. I really want to get it somewhere and bring it to life so then I can start planning for the second one. I feel like I am halfway there but like I say, it's just something I stop and start.
2. Driving
This is always on my goal list, if anything it should be at the bottom. Where I live I have everything I need within walking distance, even my job is down the road, and also where there is nowhere to park a car if I were to have one. The only time it becomes a problem is when I need to go out of town and public transport isn't always the best let's be real. So this is an 'I can take it or leave it' kind of situation.
3. Be more motivated
I will always think about wanting to do something or wishing I could start something but the reality is, I am just too tired or I make some sort of excuse. There are so many things I want to accomplish this year and I am so here ready for it. So no more excuses Kat, let's get to work!
Let's now talk about what is staying in 2023. I don't want to be repeating the same mistakes:
- Toxic people
- Poor relationship choices
- Negativity towards myself
- People pleasing
- Poor health choices
And I'm sure the list can go on and on.
The moral of the story is, I am so fed up with being walked all over. I am such a people pleaser that I'm always like nah, it's okay if it makes them happy. Not happening anymore, I am my number priority and it's about damn time I become more selfish and put myself first for a change.
When it comes to poor relationship choices, I always choose to ignore the red flags that are heavily waving in front of me, and I tell myself green flags will outweigh those, boy am I always wrong. Obviously, that is the whole point of life, we make these mistakes or these choices but if it can at least be prevented, then I will work towards that.
If I am being honest, I don't look after myself. My eating starts and stops and I drink a lot of wine. Sometimes 2 bottles a night, and I am not happy with the fact I can feel myself craving it more and more and using it as something to lean on, especially when I am having a bad day. So starting today I am going to try and be sober and see how long it'll take me. You know it's bad when you get withdrawal symptoms and that is going to be one of the hardest things, more so on days 2 and 3 but it'll be worth it.
Here's to a happier and healthier 2024!
What are your goals for this year? Is there anything you would like to leave in 2023?
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