2023 Goals

Happy New Year! I love making yearly goals because it means I can become a better version of myself in my own time. Here are my 2023 goals for this year.

  • Finish writing my book - I started writing a book a few years back on how to become the best version of yourself, with beauty tips and life tips along with my favourite recipes to bake. I would really love to finish this off and potentially get it published by 2024.

  • Complete a Level 3 Digital Marketing Course - I started this course as an apprenticeship in 2021, the college I was with was absolutely awful and showed no support, leaving me to learn on my own therefore I failed the exam, which meant failing the whole course. I was devastated however I will find a course best suited for me and complete it by this year.

  • Driving lessons - I have been doing this on and off, started lessons in a manual, and hated it so I did lessons in an automatic. However, the price of automatic lessons are ridiculous. My theory runs out in February 2024 so I have a year to complete my driving. All in good time.

  • Be more selfish - I am forever putting everyone first. I am so unhappy so being more selfish is definitely the way to go. Start doing what I want and what makes me happy.

  • Start deleting emails - Okay, this is a bit of a strange one but I have over 5,000 unopened emails and it's really bugging me, I obviously open the important ones but deleting or even opening the spam and whatever else is something I need to start doing.

  • Look after my body more - Over these last couple of years I have noticed a massive difference. I am more tired, my hair and skin are more dry, I've stopped working out, I don't drink water, I have recently stopped drinking alcohol unless it's a special occasion but I really need to feed my body the nutrients it needs. After all, I have this body for the rest of my life so I really need to be a fitter and healthier version of myself.

Here's to 2023! A better and healthier year for us all. Have you got any goals for this year?

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