My Winter Skincare Routine For Sensitive Skin

Winter skincare routine

So you have sensitive skin too? It's a pain...literally, especially when it comes to finding the right products for your skin and trying to find the right skincare routine. All that money wasting and going through red sore skin and breakouts. Now I'm not saying these products would definitely work for you before you go running to the shop and straight on here to blame me if you have a flare up.

Everybody will react differently and I am lucky enough to find products that don't make me breakout as much as I used too or be left with red skin looking like a tomato. If you are interested in trying out these products then my best advice would be to test a small area on your skin first.

Morning Routine
- I don't like to do anything too crazy on my skin first thing in the morning. I like to go over my face with Garnier Micellar Water for sensitive skin with a cotton pad, this doesn't cause any dryness to the skin and gets a 10/10 from me.

- Once my face is dry I go straight in with the Garnier Organic Argan Moisturiser. This moisturiser is so thick yet it quickly absorbs into the skin. I love how it feels and makes my skin feel so moisturised for the dry air this Winter.

- My skin is now ready to apply makeup.

Evening Routine
- I start getting most of my makeup off with the same product I used in the morning, Garnier Micellar Water, this literally gets my waterproof eyeliner off with one wipe, so it takes no time to do at all.

- With lukewarm water I wet my face with my hands then go in using Nivea Glow Face Wash. I wasn't sure at first when using this as they say foaming cleansers can irritate the skin however the ingredients list looked good enough for me and I hadn't broken out or had any irritations when using this. It doesn't leave my skin feeling tight unlike other cleansers I have used in the past and my skin feels very soft. Using lukewarm water I rinse off the face wash with my hands.

- When my face is completely dry I like to go in with a face serum. The one I am currently loving right now is BYBI Beauty Strawberry Booster. You can either apply this on its own or in with your moisturiser. I use this on its own and use a Jade Roller for 5 minutes to help soak in the serum.

- After 10 minutes I apply Garnier Organic Argan Moisturiser, the same used from the morning routine but a little bit more than I would usually put on to make sure my skin is super hydrated.

And there you have my Winter Skincare Routine. Let me know what products you use for your sensitive skin.

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