Christmas Blogger Tag

Hey there! I have a Christmas blogger tag for you to read, for you to get to know me better and for you to also join in too. I find these so fun to do, so why not join in and give me your answers too. At the bottom of the post will be the questions so that you can copy and paste it for yourselves.

1. Favourite candle scent?

I don't really have one. I love candles but I love all scents. Once I find my favourite I'll let you know.

2. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?

Oh my gosshhhh! This is hard. I love all three. I'm going to say tea, only because I start my day off with one, and I find that tea fixes everything, lol.

3. What's your favourite Christmas movie?

Love Actually. I love how there are so many stories that at the end comes together, I find it so cleverly done and it's funny. Really gets me in the Christmas spirit.

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?

I always listen to 'All I Want for Christmas Is You' by Mariah Carey. I have many favourites but this is what I always stick on and try to sing along too.

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

Oh no! We wait until Christmas Day. It's the only day my brothers and myself are up really early, we wait for our parents to get up, have a cup of tea and coffee, then make the living room all messy by opening the presents.

6. Be honest, do you like giving or receiving gifts better?

Giving. Yeah receiving presents is lovely, however I always get more excited giving. I always go over board. Last year the Christmas tree was covered in presents from me, my family couldn't fit theirs under the tree. My bad! So yes, definitely giving.

7. Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?

I start off wrapping nicely, I like to add ribbons and make sure everything matches nicely, then halfway through my back starts to hurt and it gets a little messy. Towards the end I have given up and it looks like a 4 year old had done it. least it gets wrapped. Better than my brothers method, putting it in a carrier bag and wrapping duct tape around it, actually thinking about it, my boyfriend puts it in a bag too. Must be a guy thing. (Insert rolling eye emoji)

8. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?

Psshhh! I can barely remember what I go upstairs for. Can you name them all?

9. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

It's fake, we've had the same one for years, really easy to set up and take back down again. I remember putting lights on the tree the other year and started at the bottom working my way up. I thought I did a beautiful job until I realized when I was done I had the plug in my hand at the top of the tree. I wasn't impressed when I had to start that over again.

10. What makes the holidays special for you?

My family 100%. I love it when we all get together, have a great laugh, music going, it's such a great atmosphere.

It's now your turn, let me know in the comments below.

1. Favourite candle scent?
2. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?
3. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
5.Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
6. Be honest, do you like giving or receiving gifts better?
7. Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
8. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
9. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
10. What makes the holidays special for you?

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